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Process Serving

Do you have documents to be served in Sarnia or Lambton County?


Aikman Legal Support Services is based in Sarnia, Ontario and can get to work on your service requests as early as the same day!

Process Serving Services

All process serving packages include up to 12 km's travel (round trip) from the Sarnia Courthouse AND printing 1 copy of the document being served.  First attempt completed within 3 business days.  Additional fees will apply where an additional copy needs to be sent by mail or courier. 

3 Attempt Package

From $165*

Flat fee service which includes up to 3 service attempts at the same location.  

Additional  party at different location: +$60

Additional party at same location: +$25
File Affidavit of Service  at

Sarnia Courthouse: +$40 

Pay per attempt

First attempt: from $105*

Subsequent attempts: $60*


  • Service attempt; AND

  • Affidavit of Service or Attempted Service.​

File Affidavit of Service  at

Sarnia Courthouse: +$40

Attend Court Counter (or other location)

From $85.00

Includes: Filing, researching court files and requesting issuance of documents from court clerk at Sarnia and other area locations. 
Note: Does not include court fees.


* Prices includes first 12km travelled, an additional fee of $0.85 per km will apply for each km travelled in excess of 12 km's (per attempt).  

Price List

Additional Attempts

Each additional attempt (not included in package): $50

+ mileage



B&W: $0.20/pg


Colour: $0.40/pg​

Urgent Requests

First attempt within 3 buss days: INCLUDED

First attempt within 48 hours: $25

First attempt within 24 hours: + $45

First attempt same day: + $75

Mail & Courier

Regular mail: From $10.00


Courier: From $45.00​

Travel & Mileage

First 12 km's travelled INCLUDED (from Sarnia Courthouse)


After 12 km's: + $0.85 per km

All prices are subject to 13% HST + any disbursements (ie. parking fees, court filing fees, etc). 
any additional fees will be invoiced separately after services have been completed. All fees can be paid by credit card, debt or etransfer. 

Process Serving Request

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